Steve christian

 The leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters opposition party in South Africa has accused President Cyril Ramaphosa of gathering his party's MPs to disrupt the process of holding him accountable for violating his leadership oath.

"Instead of using the impeachment inquiry process to clear your name, you have mobilized your party to fight an attempt to discover the truth," Julius Malema said in his comments at a debate on the impeachment panel's report, which found Mr Ramphosa may have breached his oath of office by failing to report it. theft in his private farm.

Mr Malema accused the president of "peeing on the constitution of South Africa".

The scandal broke in June, when South Africa's former intelligence chief, Arthur Fraser, filed a police complaint accusing the president of covering up the theft of $4m (£3.25m) in cash from his Phala Phala farm in 2020.

Mr Ramaphosa admitted that some of the money, which had been hidden in the sofa, was stolen, but said it was $580,000 not $4m.

The president said the $580,000 came from the sale of buffalo, but the panel, led by a former chief justice, said it was "highly doubtful" whether the sale took place.

South Africa has strict rules on holding foreign currency, which state that it must be held with an authorized dealer such as a bank with 30 days.

It appears that the president may have broken those rules, according to the panel's report.

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