Reasons Barbara to retire

Steve christian

 The Chief Executive of Simba SC, Barbara Gonzalez has today written a letter of resignation from her position as Chief Executive Officer of the team from January next year.

"I have given one month's notice so that I can participate in ensuring a good period of transition (transition) and handover (handover) with the new Management" "It is a matter of pride for me that under my leadership, in collaboration with the Honorary President of the Club, the Chairman of the Club, The Board of Directors, my colleagues, the players, the technical bench, the members, the fans," wrote Barbara

Barbara has said that she has reached that decision to give a chance to the new Board of Directors that will be elected in the next election to have the opportunity to choose a new Chief Executive and Management that will be in line with their vision, secondly to give themselves a chance to fulfill their dreams and other opportunities elsewhere.
"I am especially grateful to all who traveled together in the dream of making Simba SC bigger than it was in the past, it is a very difficult decision to leave a job you love and which you did with all your heart, but it is also true that all good things come to an end," he said.

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