Causes of stomach pain for women's

Steve christian

 Many pregnant women get sick during pregnancy. There are reasons that cause abdominal pain during the first trimester of pregnancy.

There are many problems that are only related to pregnancy, however it is important to remember that any condition that causes pain in a non-pregnant patient can also occur in a pregnant woman.

The difference between the two people is found after investigation. Abdominal pain for pregnant women is a challenge because many suffer from nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain often occur. As the uterus expands it can push other organs aside into the abdomen.

Anemia and leukocytosis are common in normal pregnancy and are not indicators of anemia or disease.

When the embryo implants itself in the inner walls of the uterus, it can cause abdominal pain, which lasts for two or three days and a small amount of vaginal bleeding. Often this amount of blood is small and occurs between seven or 12 days after the date of conception, often this period is close to the day when the woman was expected to enter menstruation.

Thus, patients often make the mistake of thinking that they have gone about their day as usual. Ectopic pregnancy This problem causes pain for many mothers who have an ectopic pregnancy. This problem can be determined by using Ultrasound and HCG hormone test.

The good thing is that this problem is treated as an emergency for the mother to undergo surgery. From pregnancy Pregnancy can come out on its own or be delivered on purpose. This problem is accompanied by pain and bleeding. Unsafe abortion is the leading cause of maternal deaths in developing countries. Ovarian cyst Sometimes this tumor ruptures or twists itself.

However, it can decrease and if it does not decrease, it can be removed through surgery, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. Ovarian torsion This occurs rarely. Uterine cysts also cause pain, especially when they are large. This problem can cause pregnancy especially in the early months.

Abdominal finger (Appendicitis) Abdominal finger appears in the same proportion as women who are not pregnant. The treatment of this disease is surgery. Many women often experience pain after surgery. Stones in the gallbladder But also due to hormonal changes, many women experience the problem of stones in the gallbladder.

This problem can be diagnosed through an ultrasound test and its treatment depends on the symptoms the patient has. Inflammation (Inflammation) in the gallbladder This is a sudden problem that causes severe pain that also occurs when a woman is pregnant

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