Steve christian

 On Tuesday, Konde Music Worldwide boss Rajab Abdul Kahali aka Harmonize took the brave step of getting tested for AIDS.

Harmonize posted the results of his HIV status on his Instagram page after taking the tests.

"Done✔????????????" he wrote under the HIV test kit which showed that he was negative for the virus.

The Bongo star also showed video evidence of the test to prove that he is safe from the virus.

"The cowards are the ones who say goodbye to these things inside," he said before being tested.

Harmonize did the tests in a period where it is believed that he is single after being left by his fiancee Kajala Masanja.

Last week, the actor hinted at their separation following intense pressure from their fans who have been asking them to break their silence and reveal the status of their relationship of a few months.

"I, as a woman and a human being, was created to love and forgive too, but in this I deserve to be laughed at, I deserve to be mocked and despised as well. I am not here to defend myself or show mercy, it is true that I made mistakes and I have realized my mistakes, I am not perfect," Kajala said via Instagram.

"I have definitely wronged my family, my brothers, and my friends. Making a mistake is not a mistake, it is a mistake to repeat a mistake. I forgive my X and I am ready to go to another one."

However, Harmonize has remained silent about the breakup with Kajala Masanja despite the great pressure from his fans asking him to clarify what happened between him and the veteran Bongo actor.

Kajala returned home on Tuesday after allegedly being on leave for some time. There have been claims that the actor went on a short vacation to calm down after his breakup with Harmonize.

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